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czwartek, 18 października 2012

protocol Just One Picture 2012

of the Jury meeting assessing the works sent
for the International Photography Confrontation “Just One Photo 2012”
under the patronage of International Federation of Photographic Art FIAP Nr. 2012/195, the Mayor of Jarosław, Photo Club of Republic Poland Nr. 77/2012
and Foundation “Fotografia dla Przyszłości”
held by Miejski Ośrodek Kultury in Jarosław and Photography Club Atest 70 operating by Miejski Ośrodek Kultury in Jarosław

Members of the Contest Jury:

Krystyna Małgorzata Dołowska - AFRP, Director of Foundation “Fotografia dla Przyszłości” – Warszawa, chairwoman of the jury    
Janusz Wojewoda – EFIAP, AFRP (Artist of
Photo Club of Republic Poland) PSA CPID, **** PSA EID****, Rzeszów
Krzysztof Ziemba one of the creators of the contest, AFRP (Artist of Photo Club of Republic Poland), Jarosław
Damian Waliczek – artist, graphic designer, Artistic Studio, Jarosław
Jerzy Duszko – editor-in-chief of Podkarpacki Portal Informacyjny, Jarosław
Wiesław Zastawny – editor for „Gazeta Jarosławska”
Krzysztof Peszko - Photography Club Atest 70, ZPFP (Association of Polish Nature Photographers), Jarosław

after seeing of all the 172 works (from 15 countries) distributed:

-         medals and honourable mentions of FIAP,  special award “BEST AUTOR” of FIAP
-                  medals of Photo Club RP and Foundation “Fotografia dla Przyszłości”
-                  special awards of sponsors
-                  cash prizes endowed by Miejski Ośrodek Kultury in Jarosław.

GOLD MEDAL OF FIAP and the prize in money of 2.000 PLN endowed by Miejski Ośrodek Kultury in Jarosław received:

Dominik Tarabański (Kraków, Poland) for the work “Untitled 1”

SILVER MEDAL OF FIAP and the prize in money of 1.500 PLN endowed by Miejski Ośrodek Kultury in Jarosław received:

Anna Jakubowska from Gdańsk (Poland) for the work „Zaspa”

BRONZE MEDAL OF FIAP and the prize in money of 1.000 PLN endowed by Miejski Ośrodek Kultury in Jarosław received:

Marcin Piwoni (Świętochłowice, Poland) for the work “Ku zapomnieniu”

THE AWARD „BEST AUTHOR” and the prize in money of  200 PLN endowed by Miejski Ośrodek Kultury in Jarosław received:

Zbigniew Podsiadło (Sosnowiec, Poland)

HONOURABLE MENTIONS of FIAP and prizes in money (150 PLN) or in-kind prizes endowed by Miejski Ośrodek Kultury in Jarosław received:

Anna POMYKALSKA – Kraków, for the work “Mleczarka”
Jolanta KRAWIEC – Bydgoszcz, for the work “Sekrety nocnych motyli”
Kazem HOSSEINI- Iran, for the work UNTITLED

GOLD MEDAL OF FOTOKLUB RP and the prize in money of 1.000 PLN endowed by Miejski Ośrodek Kultury in Jarosław received:

Ole SUSZKIEWICZ (Denmark) for the work „Old Farm”

SILVER MEDAL OF FOTOKLUB RP and the prize in money of 750 PLN endowed by Miejski Ośrodek Kultury in Jarosław received:

Arkadiusz JANKOWSKI from Łódź (Poland) for the work „6:0”

BRONZE MEDAL OF FOTOKLUB RP and the prize in money of 500 PLN endowed by Miejski Ośrodek Kultury in Jarosław received:

Adrian KISHCHUK (Lvov, Ukraine) for the work „Life”

THE PRIZE OF FOUNDATION „FOTOGRAFIA DLA PRZYSZŁOŚCI” represented by Krystyna Maria Dołowska received:

Natalia WIERNIK – (Kraków, Poland) for the work „In-Visible”


Łukasz Grycicha (Rybnik, Poland) for the work „Eksploatacja Marsa”
Asim Kumar BHATTACHARJEE (Howrah, India) for the work UNTITLED
Tadeusz Mozalewski (Szczecinek, Poland) for the work „Na łowisku”
Andrzej Wojnar (Kraków, Poland) for the work „Nie abstrakcyjna abstrakcja”
Tersesa Solarz (Sosnowiec, Poland) for the work „Wąwóz”
Zbigniew Podsiadło (Sosnowiec, Poland) for the work „Industrialna Katedra”
Grzegorz Lewandowski (Gdańsk, Poland) for the work „Łeba wydmy”
Wojciech Domagała (Kielce, Poland) for the work „Kocham Lublin”
Tomasz Lenarczyk (Poland) for the work UNTITLED


Anna Jakubowska from Gdańsk (Poland) for the work „Zaspa” – prize „FOR GOOD ENTRY INTO THE GAME” endowed by Krzysztof Ziemba

Tuong Le (Vietnam) for the work “Pho Cao Village” - prize of „Gazeta Jarosławska” represented by Wiesław Zastawny

Jolanta and Franciszek Kluczyńscy (Łódź, Poland) – prize endowed by Podkarpacki Portal Informacyjny represented by editor-in-chief Jerzy Duszko

Marcin Piwoni (Świętochłowice, Poland) for the work “Ku zapomnieniu”  - prize endowed by Damian and Monika Waliczek Artistic Studio in Jarosław

Łukasz Gurdak (Mielec, Poland) for the work “Czarno na czarnym” – special award endowed by Photo Club ATEST 70 represented by Krzysztof Peszko

The Jury decided to qualify 129 works for the post-contest exhibition and to put them in the exhibition catalogue.

The Jury confirms high artistic level of the works sent, congratulates all the prize winners and thanks for participating in this edition of the contest.

signatures of the Commission:

1. …………………………………………..
2. …………………………………………..
3. …………………………………………..
4. Damian Waliczek and Monika Kapusta Waliczek  - prize of Artistic Studio
5. Jerzy Duszko – prize of Podkarpacki Portal Informacyjny
6. Wiesław Zastawny - prize of „Gazeta Jarosławska”
7. Krzysztof Peszko – special award of the Photo Club ATEST 70

drawn up by Marzena Stęc – contest secretary, Jarosław,  6th of October 2012

for true copy – contest curator Krzysztof Mruk

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